More than a quarter of a century of being a deep listener for people has taught me to slow down and connect with the natural world, and to delight how Life expresses herself in each of us - birds, places and humans.
I share my back yard with most of the birds in this work - they are regular and familiar visitors who trust us enough to get close and chat. They are noble, truly individual in their characters and incredibly engaging.
It's a bit of a love story :)
Giclee art prints are available in A4 or A2 sizes. The prices listed on this page are for A4 prints - if you want A2 size, the option will show as you proceed.
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Simply choose the "Morethanone" Discount Code at the checkout.
Original artwork is available - contact me if you are interested. And do let me know if you're seeking this kind of work for your exhibition space.